Ready the tools for Spring projects

For those feeling inspired by Spring gardening – but uninspired by the rusty garden tools – Hammerite’s quick and easy treatments will return tools to pristine condition for another season.
A dip in Hammerite™ Rust Remover will have garden tools rust-free in a couple of hours. Once clean and free of all rust residues, garden forks, spades and trowels can be rejuvenated with Hammerite™ Direct to Rust Metal Paint.

Hammerite Metal Paint Garden Tools

Perfect for treating the effects of harsh winter weather, Hammerite Direct to Rust Metal Paint stops corrosion in its tracks to deliver a long lasting, as new finish.
Hammerite is the leading metal care brand globally in over 70 countries. Its formulation includes unique ingredients to ensure water beads glide away instead of adhering to the surface. A thick paint that brushes on easily, Hammerite Direct to Rust Metal Paint is a ‘one tin’ solution – no primer or undercoat is required – saving time, and providing a superior finish that is rainproof two hours after the second coat.

Suitable for use on indoor and outdoor metal items such as chairs, tables, plant pots, gates, gardening tools, lamps and fences, Hammerite is available in a range of colours and finishes.